Spirit Shop

Spirit Shop Hours
The Bishop Dwenger Spirit Shop, located in the main gym, is open every Wednesday that school is in session from 10:00 am - 2:00 pm and 3:00 - 6:00 pm. During school hours, please enter through door #1 and sign in at the main office.
Summer Hours are 9:00 am - Noon on Wednesdays. Please enter through door #4.
Click here to pre-order your uniforms to be picked up on Verification Day, July 31. Place orders before July 15 to be guaranteed that they are in before the start of school.
The Spirit Shop carries both BDHS and CCHS spirit wear. Come shop our Saints merchandise, items from our Classy Collection, custom candle collection, and so much more!
Click here to purchase spirit wear and uniform apparel at our online store.
Find the Spirit Shop on Social Media:

Like and Share so we can keep you up to date on new products, sales, and extended hours.
If you are unable to stop by during the store's regular hours or have questions, please call the shop at (260) 496-4724 or email spiritshop@bishopdwenger.com.
Letterman Jackets
Letter jackets can be ordered through the Spirit Shop! Stop in and try on our sample sizes. Orders can be placed in person, or through the online shop. Once placed, they take 3-5 weeks to arrive. Click here to order yours today!
Uniform Information
Flynn O’Hara offers pants, men's shirts, belts, shoes, etc., the only item that must be purchased from Flynn O'Hara is the new skirt, should a female student wish to wear one as part of her uniform.
The link to our portal is found here, so you can see what other optional purchases are available to our families.