Bishop Dwenger High School instituted its Hall of Fame Awards Program in 2004 to recognize and honor those who have made a positive impact on their communities and church through their professional and personal lives. Nominees must have graduated at least five years ago. Staff members must have served a minimum of three years. Please take a few moments and consider nominating someone you feel deserves this special recognition in one of the following categories: Alumnus/a of the Year; Athletic Hall of Fame; Arts & Letters; Distinguished Service; or Citizens of Two Worlds Award.

Online nomination form

Hall of Fame Awards

Alumnus/a of the Year - Honors a graduate who has contributed outstanding and distinguished service to his/her chosen profession and community. He/She lives out the mission of Bishop Dwenger High School in their everyday life.

Athletics - Honors the accomplishments of an alumna/alumnus or staff member for his/her accomplishments in the Dwenger athletic program, and has achieved a high level of recognition in athletics at the professional, college, or high school level.

Arts & Letters - Honors the achievements of a graduate or staff member for his/her accomplishments in the area of Arts & Letters including drama, visual arts, instrumental music, vocal music, or literature. A nominee should have achieved a high level of recognition in his/her field.


Citizens of Two Worlds - Honors an individual who through his/her actions best exemplifies the Dwenger traditions of unselfish service to others. This person has made significant contributions of time, talent and treasure over the course of his/her lifetime to our school, the Church, and the community. This award is open to both alumni and non-alumni.

Distinguished Service  - Honors a retired faculty or staff member of Bishop Dwenger High School.  During his/her tenure at our school, this person exemplified excellence, inspired his/her colleagues and our students, demonstrated good character, and left a lasting impact.  This award is open to both alumni and non-alumni; nominee must be retired from Bishop Dwenger High School.

Past Honorees

Alumnus/a of the Year

Tim Shields '68
Debra Dahm Niezer '73
Cathy Dahm Krouse '70
Rev. Richard Sparks, C.S.P. '68
Craig Bobay '74
Charles McNulty '82
Ann Obergfell '77
Chris Schenkel '75
Tim Kearney '70
Daniel Avila '76
Rick Reifenberg, M.D. '83
Mike Shields '67
Michael Scudder '89
Patty Shields Khorshid '74
Angela Flood '85
Diane (Lynch) Hopen '70
Dave Scudder '67
Alex Smith '05
Joe Bonahoom '78
Kathy (Mettler) Johns '67
Tracy Tryndall Pabst '93
Burt Brunner '73
Amy Johns '95
Tim Reith '86
Cathy Nowlan Adams '77
Mike Obergfell ‘82
Holly (Winkeljohn ‘87) Brady
Thomas Niezer '78
Lara Nguyen '94
Andy Dailey '93
Sarah (Dumas ’97) Blake
Dan Brewer '77
Linda (Shive ‘68) Fensler 
Larry Weigand ‘86


Greg Eifert '80
Amy Hile '83
Richard Krouse
Justin Arata, M.D.
James Shields
Tom Dixon '80
Fred Tone
Andy Johns, CCHS '66
Joseph Sweeney '69
Michael Weissert '77
Lia Oberstar '95
Larry Bartomeolli
Bob Herber
Thomas O'Connell '78
Gregory Orman '78
Jim Houlihan '78
Kristin McGrade Kruse '90
Vince Mastrangelo '85
Johnathan Martin '87
Danielle (Bird) Cardinal '96
Chris Reitzug '84
Laura Szczpanski Scudder '96
Eric Ade '96
Rosemarie Nix '77
Janet Schipper '75
Karen Trahin '74
Jim Sciarini '73
Anton Talamantes '98
Lauren Gant '01
1983 State Champ Football Team
Rachel Janssen '03
Chris Dittoe '92
Randy Lewandowski '88
Jean (Marqueling) Longsworth '07
Kevin Carretta '92
Euell Wilson '92 - Posthumous
Lisa Miller McBride '92
Greg Gehl '87
Sarah Killion ‘11
1990 and 1991 State Football Championship Teams
Andrea Filler '11
Kimberly Moore ‘99

Visual and Performing Arts / Arts & Letters

Lynn Berry '80
Kim Gladieux Bloom '75
Michael Thomson, CCHS '59
Anthony Andorfer '82
Teresa Quigley Lamping '80
Martin Tierney, CCHS '53
Delana Druhot Levy, CCHS '50
Nancy Kartholl Hofrichter '80
Richard Brown, CCHS '47
Joseph Woods
Kim Brubaker Bradley '85
Elizabeth Ledo '93
Mark Bonahoom '77
Dan Balan '95
Jeanne Baker Dick '75
Vicki Junk-Wright '71
Ron Walz '67
Mitchell McKinney '85
Rick Fischer '88
Kathy (Luley) Schall '79
Zach Parrish '03
Alexandra Hall '03
Karen Hope '74
Paula Jo Taylor Marqueling ‘74
Annette Offerle ‘10 and Luke Offerle ‘12
Seth Boyden '11
Heather (Mitchell ’92) Strzelecki
Chris Catalogna ‘17

Citizen of Two Worlds 

Dr. and Mrs. Michael Mastrangelo
Roy Grimmer, CCHS '40
Dee Dee Dahm
Robert Carteaux, CCHS '53
James Reifenberg
John V. Tippmann, Sr. CCHS '59
Bob and Sally Weigand
Helen Dixon
Patsy Dumas
Gene Andert
Carol Cornell
Adele Nelson
Mary (Metker) Voors '41 (CCHS)
Sam Talarico, Sr. '48 (CCHS)
Ryan Noll '10
Steve Doepker
Sandy Tone
Megan (Oberhausen '04) Swaim
Dr. Thomas McGovern, Dr. Andrew Mullally,
   and Dr. Christopher Stroud
Rich Augustyn

Distinguished Service

Mary Ann Jackson-David
Diana Wallace

Bishop Joseph Dwenger Award for Philanthropy 

Jim & Margaret Shields