Counseling Resources

Please click here for a list of Counseling Resources available in the Fort Wayne Area.

Seasonal Depression

Beat the Winter Blues

8 Family Friendly Activities to Beat the Winter Blues


Anti-Bullying Video

Sticks, stones, and drama: the truth about bullying

Teasing and Bullying, Boy and Girls

When Teasing Becomes Bullying

Suicide Prevention

The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline number has been changed.  It is now the Suicide & Crisis Lifeline. You can call or text 988.  

If you or you know someone who is having suicidal thoughts can call or text 988 24/7.  Within 45 seconds, you will be able to talk with someone.  Over time, 988 will continue to grow like 911 has. The long-term goal for 988 is to operate for when you call 988, you will talk with a counselor that is local to your area.    

988 is not only for suicidal thoughts.  You can also talk with a counselor regarding other mental health concerns.  

People Matter Words Matter

It Is Okay to Ask for Help

Protecting Your Mental Health

Helping Parents with Suicide Prevention 

Suicide Prevention Awareness Month


Internet Safety

Emoji Drug References

U.S. Surgeon General Internet Safety


Worried that your student has been influenced by the newest fad; Vaping? Below are some great resources that lay out the dangers of vaping and juuling. 

Quitting Vaping - May be Harder than Smoking

How Vaping Can Affect the Teenage Brain

Some CBD Contain Street Drugs

Worried Your Teen is Vaping?

Vaping Linked to Eating Disorders

Get Smart About Drugs