Recreational Clubs
Art Club
Description: Art club is a place to continue to practice art skills and various techniques through different art projects. Students have opportunities to work together or individually on art and can collaborate with each other. Art club is a time to connect with other students and form friendships as well.
Requirements: There are no requirements to join, and students are welcome to join anytime throughout the year.
Moderator: Colleen Pflueger,
Baking Saints
Description: Food in general is a way of bringing people together. The Baking Saints Club goal is to make a difference in our school and community, bringing people together by a means which we are all familiar with and appreciate—delicious food. No experience necessary!
Requirements: $10 fee to join and completion of Food Safety and Handling edPuzzles.
Moderator: Andrea Wolfe,
Book Club
Description: Book Club is open to all students looking to read and discuss novels of their choice. Books are suggested by members and then chosen at random, ensuring all students' suggestions are heard. The group meets weekly to discuss in person, but online discussion can also be utilized. The club gets through about four to five books a year.
Requirements: There are no requirements to join, and students are welcome to join anytime throughout the year.
Moderator: Jill Schriner,
D & D Club
Description: In this game, players form an adventuring party who explore fantasy worlds together as they embark on epic quests and level up in experience.
Requirements: There are no requirements, really all we do is build our characters and play the game!
Moderator: Michael Tomlinson,
Forensics Club
Description: New Club! Working to gather information!
Moderator: Maria Odle,
Game Club
Description: It is a club for students to come in and play various board games, cards games, and other tabletop games.
Requirements: There are no requirements, really all we do is have fun and play games!
Moderators: Sara Henderlong, & Michael Tomlinson,
Medical Club
Description: This club is intended for students who are interested in pursuing a career in a healthcare related field (i.e., CNA/CMA, EMT/Paramedic, Medical technician, Nurse, Nurse Practitioner, Physician Assistant, Doctor/Surgeon, etc.).
Requirements: No experience is necessary, just a desire to learn. Dues for each member is $10 that go towards buying medical supplies for training purposes, providing refreshments during events, and club t-shirt). You must attend one official meeting per quarter.
Moderator: Brian Quigley,
Description: The acronym is Professional Animal Wellness Studies. This club meets to learn more about the area of Animal Wellness. This year the club has volunteered at shelters, seen surgeries, collected food and had a speaker with service dog training.
Requirements: There are no requirements to join this club and are able to join at any time throughout the year.
Moderator: Amy Gonzagowski,
Philomena's Friends
Description: Philomena's Friends is open to all students that either want to learn how to knit or crochet, or have already learned these age old crafts. We meet once every week after school for an hour. The students are encouraged to make items to donate to local charities and if they do so, they can earn some of their required service hours. We have a great bunch of dedicated and crafty students that have learned how to make sweaters, halter tops, blankets/afghans, stuffed animals, purses, hats and scarves. We welcome students of all skill levels and hope to make knitting and crocheting more popular one stitch at a time.
Moderator: Shannon Pierson,
Robotics Club
Description: The robotics club focuses on success in advancing knowledge of coding and appreciation for engineering within a team’s school.
Moderator: Jacob Rorick, & Christina Dhillon,
Table Tennis
Description: The Table Tennis club is a fun after-school club open to all abilities and skill levels. Anyone can come after school from 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm two days per week starting at the beginning of November to the end of February and participate in weekly tournaments held in a variety of formats or to play a fun game with friends.
Requirements: There is no time commitment -- anyone can come play at any time. A $5 dues payment is encouraged, and it pays for use of the equipment throughout the year."
Moderator: Andrew Jones,